Strengthening Colorado Communities


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Reminder to local governments: time to submit budgets to DLG

Now that both the budget deadlines and holidays have passed, it is time for local governments to submit their adopted budgets to DLG.

There are resources on budgeting on our website at  There, you will find a checklist of the statutory requirements of budgeting to ensure that DLG receives all of the necessary documents and data.

Once all of your documents are compiled (either in paper, or hopefully, as PDF documents) there are two ways to get them to us. Our preferred option is by using our electronic filing method where you submit the PDF document of your budget (we have successfully received PDF documents upward of 800 pages) with the district name and Local Government Identification Number (LGID) included both in the name of the document itself, and in the email subject line.  The other option would be to mail a paper copy, however, in the interest of saving costs, time and preserving resources, we encourage using our electronic filing method.

There is a full list of instructions on our e‑filing page at‑filing You are able to see our guidelines on naming your document, using PDF documents, and look up your LGID number on our budgeting website ‑‑filing.

Note: Please send only one government per email [e.g. XYZ Metropolitan District No.1 ‑ 6 need to send an individual email for each individual district ‑ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.], if there is a parent government that includes the budget of another local government [e.g. City of Biggsville includes the budget of the Biggsville Urban Renewal Authority or Local Improvement District, or other...] please note in the email that the budget of the other government/s is included (and include that local government's LGID as well).

Of course if you need of additional help, please contact Jarrod Biggs at 303.866.4493, or Cynthia Thayer at 303.866.5601,
Contact information is also on the budgeting page.