Strengthening Colorado Communities


Friday, October 22, 2010

REMINDER: Annual Demography Meeting, November 5 - Arvada, CO

Presented by the Department of Local Affairs’ State Demography Office and the Northwest Council of Governments, the 2010 Annual Demography Meeting will be held from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm on November 5, 2010 at the Arvada Center for the Arts and Humanities.

Understanding demographics is critical for local governments, city planners and nonprofits. The 2010 Annual Demography Meeting will focus on Colorado-specific population and economic trends and forecasts, provide an update on the 2010 Census and demonstrate hands-on tools to access and use data from the American Community Survey. The DU Strategic Issues Panel will also present on international immigration and the effects of this public policy challenge.

The meeting will be an opportunity for local government and nonprofit personnel to directly connect with demography and economy experts to understand how forecasts and estimates are made and how these trends will facilitate or complicate planned services and programs.

Registration is $65 per person. For registration information, download the 2010 Annual Demography Meeting. Remember to register early, as they tend to sell out.