Strengthening Colorado Communities


Monday, July 26, 2010

Budget 101 Trainings Offered Throughout the State and Online

DLG staff members Jarrod Biggs and David Keyser will be working in conjunction with the Colorado Government Finance Officer's Association (CGFOA ) to provide a Budget 101 course in a number of locations throughout the state (and via the web!).

The workshops are designed primarily for any first, second, or third year local government budgeters, but are open to all. The workshops will cover the basic statutory budget requirements, deadlines, certification of mill levies, revenue limitations and more. A CGFOA member also will be on hand to discuss their experiences in the context of budgeting. The workshops also will feature a presentation from the State Demography Office on state economic and demographic trends and their impact on budgeting.

Workshops are being held in Montrose, Frisco, Greeley, and Colorado Springs.

DOLA will be providing a Basic Statutory Requirements and Demography workshop via webinar on August 24 and 26 at 10 a.m. If you would like to take part in the webinar please contact Jarrod Biggs of DOLA’s Division of Local Government at, or (303) 866-4493.